Mathematics Department

To be successful in our changing world, students need to adapt to changing conditions, use technology effectively, and acquire skills for processing large amounts of quantitative information. Our mathematics curriculum equips students with an understanding of important mathematical ideas; essential mathematical knowledge and skills; and skills of reasoning, problem solving, and communication.

The development of mathematical knowledge is a gradual process. Our continuous curriculum builds on concepts that help students see the "big pictures" and underlying principles. Our courses offer opportunities to investigate new ideas and concepts, make connections between new learning and prior knowledge, and develop an understanding of the abstract mathematics involved.

By studying mathematics, students learn how to reason logically, think critically, and solve problems - key skills for success in today's workplaces.

Do You Need Extra Help in Math? Here are some options.....

1. Talk to your teacher - all teachers in the department offer extra help. Check with your teacher to find out when they are available. This should be your first stop when having difficulty with the work being covered in class.

2. Math Lab with Mrs. Clark - students are welcome to stop by Room 2016 for some help with their homework. The weekly schedule is always posted on the door of Room 2016.

3. If you are in grades 9 or 10, you have access to the FREE TVO Mathify website - This site offers one on one assistance from an Ontario Certified Math Teacher, Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm and Sunday from 3:30-9:00 pm. There are also digital resources on this site that are available 24 hours a day to help you understand some of the most commonly misunderstood topics in the curriculum.

4. There is material available through the University of Waterloo to help with grades 9-12 math. This includes videos and practice questions. Visit their website at and click on the link for your grade. This is a great resource if you need to see a particular topic explained in a different way.

5. Peer Tutoring - there are a limited number of senior students available to work with younger students at lunch or after school. Check with the guidance department for availability.

Curriculum Chair of Mathematics: Jennifer Clark ext. 5523