Principal: Mr. Trevor Poechman
Ext. 1006
School Chaplain: Deacon Shawn Panio
Ext. 2001
Vice Principal: Mrs. Laura Di Ianni
Students (A-F)
Ext. 1008
Vice Principal: Mrs. Lisa Diachenko  Students (G-M)
Ext. 1007
Vic Principal: Mrs. Emily Moore
Students (N-Z)
ext. 1014
Superintendent: Julie Selby
Trustees: Kevin MacKenzie and Joshua Glover
Director of Education and Superintendents
I have a concern - who should I call?
Education is a shared experience involving the home and the school and it can be strengthened by open communication between the two. Should a concern about your child's education arise, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Contact the classroom teacher and discuss the situation
STEP 2: If the situation has not been resolved contact the Principal and request help in dealing with the matter
STEP 3: If necessary contact the Superintendent in charge of the school. Call 1-800-461-8009 and ask for the name of the superintendent for your child's school, or find your superintendent on our board website
STEP 4: If necessary contact the Director of Education at 1-800-461-8009.
Your local school Trustee is elected to represent your interests and is always ready to hear and discuss your suggestions or concerns.