Course Calendar
The course calendar at St. Stephen Secondary School is based on the Catholic faith tradition. The tone of the school reflects a theme of respect and responsibility, a collaborative approach to problem solving, and a community focus made up of students, staff, parents, parish, and the wider community.
The courses offered by our school are developed according to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training. Our full program includes computer based and traditional technology, co-op education and special education services. Students prepare for entrance to university, college, apprenticeship or the workplace. Our courses are supported by student services, guidance, and a full-time Chaplain.
For more information on course selection please see our Guidance page.
Selecting Courses
Students are advised to select courses carefully considering their diploma requirements, personal interests and abilities, and post-secondary educational requirements.
Students should select at least six courses to maintain full-time status. Full-time status is the requirement for participation in extra-curricular activities.
Students should not have a spare/study period on their timetable until they have completed 24 credits and are in their fourth year.
Enrollment in optional subjects could be limited by class size considerations.
Grade Nine and Ten Courses
Students entering Grade Nine and Ten are asked to choose from four types of courses:
1. De-streamed (grade 9 only) - students will no longer be separated into Academic and Applied pathways. There is a shift in pedagogical practices and
assessment to ensure improved equitable outcomes for all students. De-streamed courses will prepare students for university, college, apprenticeship,
and workplace pathways. Course coded have a “W” in the 5th place, e.g. SNC1W.
2. Academic - these courses develop the students' knowledge and skills by emphasizing theoretical, abstract applications of the essential concepts and
incorporating practical applications as appropriate. Course codes have a "D" in the 5th place, e.g. ENG2D.
3. Applied - these courses develop students' knowledge and skills by emphasizing practical, concrete applications of these concepts and incorporating
theoretical applications as appropriate. Course codes have a "P" in the 5th place, e.g. MFM2P.
4. Locally Developed - these courses emphasize the key basic skills in the subject areas of English, Mathematics, History and Science. Upon completion of
these courses, students could be prepared to take Grade 9 and 10 applied courses or continue on to Grade 11 Workplace Preparation courses. Course
codes have an “L” in the 5th place, e.g. SNC1L.
5. Open - these courses are appropriate for students regardless of their post-secondary destination. They prepare students for further study in subjects and
enrich their education generally. They provide students with a broad education base that will prepare them for their studies in Grades 11 and 12 and for
productive participation in society. Course codes for open courses have an "O" in the 5th place, e.g. PPL1O.
K-Courses are non-credit courses delivered through the Special Education Department or a Subject Teacher.
e.g. KMMAN Numeracy and Numbers KPFBN Personal Health and Fitness
The first three characters are assigned by the Ministry and represent the discipline, the subject and course. The fourth character refers to the grade of the course: A = Grade 9; B = Grade 10; C = Grade 11; and D = Grade 12. The fifth character "N" identifies the type of course; in this case "not for credit".