Link Crew
Hello Royals!
We are looking for current Grade 10 & 11 students interested in becoming link leaders for the 2022-23 school year!
Link Leaders are senior students who are good role models for younger students and who have been successful at our high school. Link Leaders’ communication skills, leadership potential, responsibility, and personality have helped them succeed in the high school environment, and the lessons they have learned should be shared to help others succeed. You could have a tremendous influence on our new students and you will learn many valuable leadership skills in the process. Plus, it will be fun and you’ll earn community service hours!
What does a Link Leader do? Link Leaders are trained to work with the incoming grade nine class and other new students who are entering our school next fall. After the extensive training, the Link Leaders will run grade nine orientation before school starts in August. At the orientation, two Link Leaders will be given a small group of grade nines to work with that day and will be asked to befriend and to help that group during the first week of school with any challenges they may face. Periodically during the school year, Link Leaders will meet again with their student groups to touch base, discuss problems, and plan social activities. We know that the more contact a grade nine has with their Link Leader the more successful the grade nine will be.
We hope that after reading the description you are excited to apply so here’s how to do that:
Application Details:
Applications are done through the following Google Form:
Your application is due by 2:30 on Wednesday May 18, 2022. One of the skills we need in our leaders is the ability to meet deadlines so do not leave it to the last minute!
Note: You must be able to attend training on Monday August 29 and orientation on Tuesday August 30.
As part of the application process you’ll need to make a 1-2 minute video of yourself so that we can get to know you. Here are the details for the video:
You must answer the following question:
Why do you want to take on the role of a Link Leader?
Then you may choose 1 or more of the questions below to fill in your time:
What’s one Royals tradition you are looking forward to when this pandemic is over?
If you were taking a grade 9 student on a tour of St. Stephen, where would you take them and why?
Who has been the most influential person in your life other than your parents?
What has been the proudest moment in your life?
Tell us about a time when you dealt with a difficult person.
Tell us about a time you balanced multiple responsibilities.
Tell us about a time when you led a team.
What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year?
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
What three words would your friends use to describe you?
Here is what we are looking for:
1 minute in length minimum, 2 minutes maximum.
Candidate answers questions in depth.
Candidate’s answers are sincere.
Candidate’s answers demonstrate thoughtfulness
Video is creative, we can see the “real you”
We’re looking for link leaders who are willing to go big so come out of your comfort zone!
We look forward to your application!
If you have any questions email Ms. Driscoll at or Mrs. Clark at
What is Link Crew?
Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes Grade 9s and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. We know that students can help students succeed and that’s what you’d do as a Link Leader. As positive role models, Link Crew Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the grade 9 students to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate success. This is a great opportunity for you to make a difference in the lives of our Grade 9s and show them what it means to be a member of the Royal’s Family.
More and more studies show that if students have a positive experience their first year in high school, their chance for success increases dramatically. Link Crew provides a year long program that is structured for grade 9’s to receive support and guidance from grade 11 and 12 students who have been through the challenges that high school poses and understand that the transition to high school can sometimes be overwhelming.
Link Crew is a year- long transition program with four components that contribute to its success:
High School Orientation - Link Leaders and grade 9s start building the mentor relationship and receive information about how to be successful in high school
Academic Follow Ups - Link Leaders support academic success and character development through structured classroom visits
Social Follow Ups - Link Leaders and grade 9s connect outside the classroom at social events to increase student engagement, and promote positive school climate
Leader Initiated Contacts - Link Leaders connect with their freshmen on a more individual basis